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Important Guest Information

If you are visiting us as a Registered Guest of a Member, we have available a comprehensive Guest Guide on our app.

Enjoy your visit!

Frequently Asked Guest Questions


Dress Code

What is the dress code at Mediterra?
  • Cargo Pants and/or Shorts with external pockets as well as tee shirts and flip flop sandals are not permitted.
  • Proper Golf and Tennis attire is permissible for day dining. Shirts must be tucked in unless designed to be untucked such as Tommy Bahama shirts. Pristine denim without flaws, through wear or design, are permitted.
  • Gentlemen shall remove their hats when under cover.


Form of payment

Does The Club at Mediterra accept cash?
No. Guest Fees, Merchandise Purchases, and any Food & Beverage Charges may be taken care of with a major credit card - Mediterra is a cashless Club.


Does the Club at Mediterra permit tipping?
No. The Club at Mediterra is a "non-tipping" facility with the exception of Valet and Beach Cabana Service.

Mobile Devices

What is the cell phone policy at The Club at Mediterra?
The audible use of mobile devices is not permitted in any public area at The Club. If you must have your mobile device with you, please remember to set it to the silent mode. During inclement weather, you may make or take a call in a Locker Facility.


Important Golf Guest Information...


Pace of Play

What are the Pace of Play Golden Rules?
  • Arrive to the starter at least 5 minute in advance of your tee time ready to play.
  • Play ready golf at all times.
  • Score at the following tee box.
  • Take note of your time par on the GPS monitor and react accordingly.
  • All foursome groups should play in 4 hours or less.
  • Please adhere to all Ranger instructions.

Where do I change my shoes?

All Golfers shall change their shoes in the Club Locker Room facilities.

What are Golf Guest fees?

Please click here for a list of fees.

Important Racquets Guests Information...

  • Make court reservations in advance.
  • Wear proper court attire – no crop tops.
  • Wear proper tennis/court shoes for tennis and pickleball.
  • PLEASE use the shoe washers to clean the clay from shoes before playing pickleball and entering the Sports Club.

What are guest fees for racquet play?

Immediate family guests are complimentary. Other guest fees are $10 during winter season and $5 during summer.