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The Club at Mediterra Privacy Policy

The following Privacy Policy applies to The Club at Mediterra, Inc. ("CLUB") including your use of our website, (the "Website") and any mobile app provided by the CLUB, any associated CLUB-controlled social media pages, and all other CLUB information, services, software functionality, applications and/or materials located thereon or available therefrom (collectively our "Properties").
Use of Information You Provide to CLUB
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Privacy Policy or as specifically required by law, any communication or material you provide to us, whether received online, electronically, in person or otherwise collected by or submitted to us, including any data, questions, comments, suggestions or the like, is, and will be treated as, non-proprietary. Anything you submit, transmit or post may be used for any purpose, including, but not limited to, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, market research, development of prospect lists, project planning, broadcast, posting and marketing, among other things, as permitted by law and except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy.
We may also use information provided by you or transmitted to us through the Properties to send you electronic and other messages about memberships or opportunities available at CLUB or an offering from affiliates of CLUB (collectively, "Affiliates"). Your use of our Properties constitutes your permission to do so unless you specify otherwise pursuant to applicable law, as discussed below. We comply with the US Federal CAN-SPAM Act, and make every effort to ensure that our messages are not considered Spam. Of course, you may unsubscribe from any messages we send at any time and you will not receive further electronic messages from us after following the instructions included within the message.
Your Right to Control Communications
We may provide you with an "opt-in" or "opt-out" mechanism depending on where you are located when we collect your personal data. An "opt-in" mechanism will provide you the opportunity to positively indicate that you would like or do not object to our sending you such further communications and we will not send you any unless you have "opted-in." An "opt-out" mechanism will provide you the opportunity to indicate that you do not want us to send you such further communications, and if you "opt-out" we will not send you any. Either way, opting-in or opting-out will be up to you and, in addition, if you do not want us to use your personal data for a particular purpose or disclose it to a third party, you may "opt-out" at any time by contacting us as provided below. 
Safeguarding Your Information
Information transmitted over the Internet may find its way to recipients to whom it is not intended or persons you may not want to have such information. Under certain circumstances, this may be beyond the control of CLUB, and you are advised that such transmission may not be secure. However, CLUB complies with applicable law regarding the safeguarding of your personal information, and we employ reasonable administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity of your information, as required by law. Further, we restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you.
Categories of Information We Collect
Contact Information: We may request and collect, without limitation, your name, address, email address, home telephone number, work telephone number, fax number and cell phone number.
When you make inquiries concerning career opportunities, we will request information on prior employment, including dates, salary information and job summaries, information about the type of job you are seeking, availability for work, your name, address, home telephone number, and email address.
Additionally, we may collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources:
  • Information we receive from you on applications or other forms, such as your name, address, social security number, personal references, and club affiliations;
  • Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency, such as your creditworthiness and credit history; and
  • Information about your transactions with us, such as your payment history.
Additionally, in connection with use of the Properties, we may collect certain web analytics information, including among other information the number of visitors to the Properties, session time, and browser version (technical information). Technical information is not collected in a manner in which it can be tied to a specific user. We will store on the computer that you use to access the Properties a small file that commonly is referred to as a "cookie." The cookie has information that enables us to recognize a specific computer that is used to visit the Properties. Each vendor identified on, or accessed from, the Properties has its own policies on the collection and use of technical information and the use of cookies.
In some cases, we may combine information we collect through our Properties with information collected from other online and offline sources.
If you are seeking information on CLUB or a party interested in conducting business with CLUB, we will request your contact information.
Categories of Information We Disclose
Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, we may use, share, or disclose all of the information that we collect from you as a current or former customer:
  • In connection with the fulfilment of the services that you request through the Properties.
  • To enforce the Terms and Conditions applicable to the use of the Properties.
  • As required by law or valid legal process.
  • In response to appropriate governmental requests.
  • As we deem reasonably necessary to investigate, prevent or take other appropriate action in connection with potential illegal or fraudulent activities or potential risk to the personal safety of any individual or the security of your information.
  • To manage our business.
  • To protect our interests.
  • To support direct marketing and other opportunities of CLUB and third parties as described herein.
  • To assist you in finding products and services that may be of interest to you.
  • Your credit card information in connection with any services that you request.
Parties to Whom We Disclose
We may disclose nonpublic personal information about you to the following types of select third parties:
  • Non-financial companies, such as retailers and direct marketers;
  • We may share your contact information and membership information with third parties who assist CLUB and Affiliates in offering products or services to you;
  • We may share your contact information with carefully selected third parties that agree with CLUB and Affiliates to offer products or services to users of the Properties.
  • We contract with business service providers to provide business functions on our behalf, such as credit card processing, payment and billing processing, IT systems management, third party hosted applications, customer service, email marketing, website analytics, and marketing research. We require service providers with access to personal information to use and protect personal information in accordance with the standards of this Privacy Policy.
Information Sharing with Companies that Perform Services on our Behalf
We may disclose any or all of the information we collect, as described above, to companies that perform marketing services on our behalf with whom we have joint marketing agreements.  The categories of third parties with whom we have contracted may include, among others:
  • Financial service providers, such as credit card issuers, finance companies, insurance agencies or companies, and banks; and
  • Other service providers, such as tax vendors, print vendors, and software programmers.
Vendor Policies
Each of the vendors identified in the Properties has its own privacy policy that may differ from CLUB's Privacy Policy. By requesting products and services from CLUB, your information will be provided to the applicable vendors as discussed in this Privacy Policy. You may access the privacy policy of each vendor by visiting the vendor's website. We do not have any control over, or responsibility for, the content or operation of the website of any vendor. Each such website may collect information about you and your usage of the website and have information sharing policies that differ from those of CLUB. The use of such websites is at your own risk.
Information Sharing with Non-Affiliated Companies
We may disclose nonpublic personal information about you to non-affiliated third parties as permitted by law, including pursuant to consents that you provide. We may also, either directly or through Affiliates, share your nonpublic personal information with non-affiliated companies to market their products and services to you.
If you prefer that we not disclose nonpublic personal information about you to non-affiliated third parties to market their products and services to you, you may opt-out of those disclosures, that is, you may direct us not to make those disclosures. If you wish to opt-out of disclosures to non-affiliated third parties to market their products and services to you, please email [email protected].
Privacy Rights in Other Jurisdictions
You may have rights, under applicable data privacy laws, to request information about or access to the personal information that we hold about you, to require that information to be corrected it is inaccurate or, in some circumstances, to object to our processing of your personal information. If you wish to exercise those rights, please send a written request to [email protected].
Former Customers
Our Privacy Policy for sharing nonpublic personal information about former customers is the same as our Privacy Policy for current customers.
CLUB may at any time revise the Properties Privacy Policy or Terms and Conditions by updating the posting. You are bound by any such revision and should therefore periodically visit the Properties to review the then current terms and conditions, privacy policy and legal disclaimers to which you are bound.
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this important information.
Effective Date
This Privacy Policy is effective as of August 27, 2024 and is incorporated into and subject to the Terms and Conditions for use of these Properties.